Minggu, 04 Juli 2010



Is a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease can be transmitted through saliva when people cough spray. . These bacteria are bacillus bacteria which is very strong so it takes a long time to treat it. These bacteria often infect the lungs organs other than the part


  • Cough with phlegm for more than three weeks.
  • Sweating at night.
  • Patients with decreased appetite resulting in the body becomes thinner and less power.
  • It can also be accompanied by a cough that bleed.
  • Patients will also experience a fever, especially in the afternoon or evening.
Prevention and solutions :
If there is one from neighbors or family members who experience these symptoms, you should suggest to consult a doctor to know whether the cough is TB disease or not. Because sometimes a cough illness is often considered trivial, but this disease can kill someone if not immediately addressed and can be transmitted to others.

Treatment :

This disease also is actually the one who has conquered the disease, but later returned to attack. One is due to tuberculosis are not spending their drugs. Drugs must be taken regularly for six to nine months to cure this disease. No medications can cause sufferers to spend can not be cured and no longer able to lead drug fight germs because germs become resistant and more controlled body cells.

Treatment for TB when it is found early is not really too expensive and easy to cure because the existing drugs provided by the government. If needed, patients with TB can also be quarantined in a special place in order not to transmit the disease.
Household Health Survey results M O H in 1992, showed that TB / TB is a disease the second leading cause of death, while in the year 1986 is the fourth leading cause of death. In 1999 the WHO Global Surveillance estimates that in Indonesia there are 583 000 tuberculosis patients / year with 262 000 new TB smear positive or incidence rate is approximately 130 per 100,000 population. Deaths from Tuberculosis / TB is estimated to hit 140,000 residents each year.
The incidence of reported TB increased dramatically in the last decade worldwide. Similarly in Indonesia, Tuberculosis / TB is a health problem, both in terms of mortality rate (mortality), incidence of diseases (morbidity), as well as diagnosis and treatment. With a population of more than 200 million people, Indonesia ranks third after India and China in terms of number of patients among the 22 countries with the largest in the world's TB problem.


Cause :
The existence of temporary constriction of the respiratory tract that can cause sufferers to feel shortness of breath. Refinement occurs because the vessels of the throat. Heredity plays an important role in this disease. Asthma Disease (Asthma) is a chronic disease (chronic) that attacks the respiratory tract , where there is inflammation in the lung (inflammatory) cavity wall causing narrowing of the airways that eventually someone experiencing shortness of breath.
Allergies to things like dust, changes in temperature, humidity, excessive exercise or emotional stress can cause allergies so that the membranes lining the vessels will swell and excessive mucus so that the vessels become narrower, and the patient had difficulty breathing. Despite the shortness of breath attacks can go away, but heavy attacks if not treated can cause death because the patient can not breathe.

Shortness of breath accompanied by wheezing sound (wheezing)

Prevention and solution:
Avoid things that can cause allergies in people that resulted in an asthma attack. For example, by cleaning the dust on the mattresses, pillows or blankets. Avoid extreme temperature and humidity.

To cope with asthma attacks is to use a salve medicine (bronchodilator) inhaled manner. Another way is to do therapy that will teach how to relax and catch my breath in case of an asthma attack. When asthma is severe, can use drugs lozenges daily until asthma attacks can be controlled. So, it is advisable for sufferers to carry drugs into any salve he went to immediate use in case of attack.
Asthma Disease (Asthma) has yet to be treated completely, this means that an asthma attack can occur in the future. Handling and delivery of medicines to patients with asthma attacks is as action arising which adjusted for the severity of signs and symptoms themselves. The basic principle of handling an asthma attack is by providing good drug injection (hydrocortisone), syrup,) or nebulizer to help loosen respiratory tract.

In mild cases where the perceived existence of the complaints that lead to symptoms of asthma attacks or to prevent further attacks, the medical team or doctor will give medicine . For patients with asthma, it is suggested to them to provide / store inhaled medications wherever they are which can help loosen respiratory attacks.

How to Avoid Asthma Attacks :
Appropriate steps can be done to avoid an asthma attack is away from the underlying factors that lead to asthma attacks itself. Each patient generally has its own characteristics to things that trigger asthma attacks.
After the occurrence of asthma attacks, when patients feel they can breathe but are advised to continue with appropriate treatment and dosage of medication given by doctors for safe and without risk.


Due to loss of elasticity of the alveoli. Alveolus itself is the bubbles contained in the lungs. In patients with emphysema, lung volume is greater than a healthy person because the carbon dioxide should be expelled from the lungs trapped inside. Cigarette smoke and the enzyme deficiency of alpha 1 is the cause of loss of lung elasticity in this.

  • Reduced appetite and weight declined.
  • Shortness of breath attacks for a long time.
Prevention and solutions:
Avoiding cigarette smoke is the best step to prevent this disease.


Pneumonia is an infection that occurs in lung tissue (parenchymal) caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Generally caused by streptococcal bacteria (Streptococcus) and Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria.

  • Experienced cough with phlegm phlegm is thick and yellow.
  • Chest pain.
  • Shortness of breath is also accompanied by high fever.
Prevention and solutions:
Always maintain cleanliness and keeping your body strong resistance can prevent the bacteria can not penetrate the body's health defense.
Get used to washing hands, eating nutritious foods or exercise regularly.

If already suffering from pneumonia, is usually cured by taking antibiotics.
Doctors generally will provide recommendations in accordance with the severity of pneumonia, the person concerned. For severe cases, hospitalization is an obligation. If the cause is bacterial, then you will be strongly encouraged to diet of antibiotics.

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Dr.Setiawan Dalimarta