Minggu, 04 Juli 2010


What is DRUGS?
According to WHO (1982)
All solid, liquid or gas that can be inserted into the body
alter the function and structure of physical and psychic body excluding
food, water and oxygen which is needed to maintain function normal body

Various types of drugs

1. Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plants or synthetic
or semi-synthetic that can be lowered consciousness, loss of taste,
reduce to eliminate pain and can cause dependence
2. Psychotropic substances or drugs are not natural or synthetic narcotic
efficacious psychoactive through selective effect on the central nervous system
which causes typical changes in mental activity and behavior
3. Materials other addictive substances is not a narcotic or psychotropic substances which
its use can cause psychological dependence or both physical. Example: Alcohol, cigarettes.

For Adolescent Drug

Abuse of narcotics and illicit drugs among the younger generation today is the growing prevalence of behavioral deviation of the young generation, can endanger the survival of this nation in the future. Because the youth as a generation that is expected to be the successor of the nation, is increasingly fragile encroached addictive substances neural destroyers. So that youth can not be thinking clearly. Consequently, the generation of a strong nation of hope and intelligent only a memory. The objectives of the spread of these drugs are young people or teenagers. If it is averaged, the age This drug target is the age of students, which ranges from age 11 to 24 years. This indicates that the dangers of drugs at any time can be anytime after our children.
Is an abbreviation of narcotic drugs and illicit drugs.
While NAFZA an abbreviation of narcotics, alcohol and other addictive substances (drugs, causing a person has a dangerous dependence on these medications). The second term is often used for the same term, although the term NAFZA broader scope. Drug dependence can be interpreted as a situation that encourages a person to consume drugs repeatedly or continuously.

The dangers for students

In developed countries, drug addicts becoming increasingly rapid development. The drug addicts were generally aged between 11 to 24 years. This means that age is the age or ages of students.
At first, students who are taking drugs usually begins with
introduction with a cigarette.
Because of this smoking habit seems to have become a natural thing among students today. Especially when those students are merged into the environment of people who have become drug addicts. At first try, and then experienced an addiction.

The negative impact drug abuse against children or adolescents:

  1. Changes in attitude, temperament and personality,
  2. Frequent truancy, decrease in discipline and values lessons,
  3. Become irritable and quick-tempered,
  4. Frequent yawning, sleepy, and lazy,
  5. No health care themselves,
  6. Like stealing to buy drugs.
  7. The dangers for students

History of drug

Less is more th. 2000 BC in Samaria opion flower known or later known opium (opium = papavor somniferitum). This flower thrives in highland areas above 500 meters altitude above sea level. Subsequent dissemination is in the direction of India, China and other Asian territories.
China then became a very fertile place in the spread of opium this (possible because of the climate and the state of the country). Entering into the XVII century was for the Chinese opium problem has become a national problem, even in the nineteenth century opium war where the British finally conquered China should give up Hong Kong.
In 1806 a doctor from the Westphalian named Friedrich Wilhelim sertuner find modifications opium mixed ammonia which was then known as the Morphin (taken from the name of the Greek god of dreams named Morphius).
Year 1856 when civil war broke out in A.S. Morphin is a very popular painkiller used for wounded prisoners of war settled some of the "addiction" referred to as the "soldiers disease"
In 1874 a chemist named Alder Wright from London, boil the liquid Morphin with anhydrous acid (acid that exist in a kind of mushroom) takes effect when the mixture was tested to the dog that is: the dog lay down, terrified, sleepiness and vomiting. But the year 1898 manufacturer "Bayer" Heroin you by producing the drug, as an official drug pain (pain killer).
60s - 70s spreading centers in the region of the world's opium "Golden Triangle" of Myanmar, Thailand & Laos. With production: 700 thousand tons every year. Also on the "Golden Crescent" of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan from the Golden Crescent to Africa and America.
In addition there is more heroin Morphin & other types of cocaine (Ery throxylor coca) comes from the coca plant that grows in Peru and Bolavia. Usually used to cure asthma and tuberculosis.
In the late '70s when the level is increasing pressure of human life and technology support will be given a special mixture of mixed-order opium may also be in the form of medicines.

Most drugs in the community in the wrong use by some people, because the drug problem now in the public eye has been considered disturbing to teenagers and particularly in older people. Therefore, drug abuse can be harmful to families, communities, and the future of the nation.

Danger drug abuse

Generally, all kinds of drugs if misused will provide four effects as follows:
1. Addictive
Users will feel addicted so that it will perform a variety of ways to keep
could eat them. If users can not get it, his body will be there in critical condition (withdrawal).
2. Depressant
Users will be asleep or unconscious.
3. Hallucinogens
Users will hallucinate (see things that are not there).
4. Stimulant
Accelerate the work of organs like the heart and brain so that users feel more energetic for a while. Because the body's organs continue to forced work outside normal limits, after a long time will damage the nerves and can cause death.

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Dr.Setiawan Dalimarta