Minggu, 04 Juli 2010


Having a healthy body and body is a lifelong dream of everyone. However, situations and environmental conditions around us as well as the variation of a person's body power against disease makes it difficult to achieve that dream. All people must have been sick, but the risk of illness can be minimized or reduced the risk by considering the following matters:

1. Eating a nutritious food regularly, and not excessive or no less. Excess food will affect the spread of various types of diseases which can improve blood sugar levels that eventually lead to diabetes which is very dangerous. Lack of food can also cause malnutrition, low blood, weakness, and so forth. Notice also the nutrient content based on a reasonable dose, because too much of a substance is not good for health.

2. Rest / Sleep Time it takes normal people to sleep less than eight hours a day or third day. Sleep time will increase with age, where the infants, small children and the elderly need more sleep than adults and young children. Enough sleep can increase endurance and energy in the body, so it can prevent ourselves from many diseases that attack harmful, take the time to take a break while you are busy with work because it is very important for the health of your body.

3. Psychology Do not be too stressful conditions due to many things in life you always happy and unhappy about something if it is something bothering your mind, Think that every problem there is a way solution. Psychic burden and the mind can affect the immune system whose effects can invite diseases physical and spiritual. Spend your time for something fun for yourself and do not ever run to the liquor and drugs. Why should hard, we better have fun. If your work makes you stressed and dizziness , then you should start looking for another job or business opportunities that do not make you a lot of stress. If you have a problem it is better you talk about with other people close to you. Any problems
there must be the best solution.

4. Financial income sufficient for daily needs and saving for the future of kosher will make your life quietly and unseen. Prepare for your future choices begin early and begin to learn to apply economic principles that exist, If you are still struggling with basic needs of the Change your mindset. Working together with the wife, husband or your friends to pioneering a business that has good opportunities and prospects, who knows could be successful and make you free from financial problems. Do not live lavishly, and start your life simple although a large income. Effort, creativity and optimism is an important key in trying to achieve success.

5. Increase your endurance by consuming a variety of natural foods or beverages that can fend off germs and disease. Familiarize yourself with the ingredients
traditional or frequent drinking of strong tea every day can increase the bitter anti-oxidant substances in the body to eliminate free radicals from substances that harm the environment, our health so that you and your family stay fit and energetic

Any attempt to make our lives healthier is always very important, in addition to good health also expressed gratitude to the Lord that has members all the blessings given. Hopefully with the few health tips above you all will always be healthy both physically and spiritually.

Health is important, therefore we must maintain and pay attention to health.
Always healthy living is the key to success.

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Dr.Setiawan Dalimarta