Minggu, 04 Juli 2010


Indeed we do not deny that the role mobile phone our daily lives is very important at all but you must remember the impact that must be accepted that the causes of excessive radiation. Current mobile phone usage seems to have expanded along with the needs mobile phone as a means of rapid communication. Currently it is not just adults who use mobile phones, children are increasingly many are using these communication tools. Parents should think twice before they meet the demands of their children who are still sitting in primary school has a mobile phone. For according to a study, using cell phones since the early to have long-term risk to their health. Electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones may damage DNA and lead to brain tumors. Parents should not give mobile phones to children aged 8 years or under it as a preventative measure radiation interference from these devices. Throughout the world there are currently 570 million mobile-phone users and in the longer term of five years the numbers will continue to rise until it reaches 2.4 billion.
Many who knew about the dangers of mobile phone signal. More danger anymore because we often use them. Various tips we already know with such use mobile phones on the left ear than the right, and others.

Putting mobile phone Fatal Habit
There have been a woman miscarried in a row when the age of 3-5 month-old fetus. The husband and wife's subsequent pregnancy was checked and found that the fetus has sustained damage to fetal cell death. Doctors say that this woman's womb has been infected by the radiation mobile phone thus making the fetus can not survive in it long to live and thrive.
Her womb was dead so it is not possible for him to have a fetus is alive again. This woman apparently has a habit of storing his work jacket mobile phone in the proper position near the uterus for a few years.
Never again, we underestimate the risks from radiation mobile phone because consequences can be fatal to our organs. Mobile phone put away from you as much as possible when you're not wearing them.
Mobile phone not too often put near the kidneys, heart, and in the bag your pants because this can damage the kidneys, heart, and your reproductive system!
Do not put the phone close to you when sleeping. Keep also other electronic goods (radio, television, laptops) from where you sleep because of radiation from electronic goods can be dangerous to your health in the long term. Existing radiation interfere with hormone production by our bodies when we sleep.

Hyperactive children are at risk Childbirth

Women who use during pregnancy has a tendency mobile phone would bear children with behavioral problems, according to a study of more than 13,000 children.
Pregnant women who wore mobile phone that although only two or three times a day, enough to cause their infants exposed to the risk of disease can be hyperactive and have difficulty in understanding / learning process, emotion and socialization of children at school.
The above results even more at risk again when the children themselves also use mobile phone before age 7 years or more.

Mobile phone damage the brain cells of children
Mobile phone Keep out of reach of children because their young brains are very sensitive to radiation mobile phone if exposed long enough. Moreover far more sensitive babies even a few could not help it for what it the good we are always aware of the problem.
Officials had warned that because of the side effects of radio frequency radiation, children under the age of eight years should use a cellular phone only in emergencies, and teenagers should limit calls to less than 10 minutes.
Toronto public health department has advised teenagers and young children to limit their cellular telephone use, in order to avoid potential health risks. This is the first policy in Canada.
Over the years, most government health officials are less concerned against all risks. But with some research, a pattern began to appear that people who use their mobile phones for a long period of time are at greater risk of the possibility of certain brain tumors.

There are a few tips you need to consider to reduce or avoid the dangers of electromagnetic radiation:
  • Do not wear mobile phone when pregnant and do not let your child wear them.
  • Limit the use of mobile phone long you or your use of other wireless phone.
  • Use a headset with a cord to reduce the effects of radiation due to distance mobile phone. Mobile phone from your head.
  • Cut yourself exposed to direct exposure from the transmission area Hotspot Area. Find out where the location of Hotspot Area and try to stay away from him.
  • If you have a phone cord, do not use that exceed 900 MHz . waves radiate radio waves high 24 / 7.
  • Use the speakerphone instead of directly into your ear close mobile phone. This helps to avoid direct radiation effects between brain with mobile phone.
  • Limit the use mobile phone inside the building because mobile phone will emit more waves in the building than outside.
  • Use mobile phone at the bar either transmission or reception of signals. When transmitting bad, your HP will work harder to capture clear transmission.
  • Be cautious about putting your mobile phone, because he was near the radiating effect of radiation.
Nowadays, the development and advances in technology really looks very entrenched in supporting our daily activities. One is the advancement of communication technology in sending and receiving information. The need to use advances in communications technology may have become a staple for us who live in the style of modern-era like today.
One of the technologies that we ought to look is in using the benefits of mobile phones or mobile telecommunications as one of the most -current trends. A reality if we get information that the use of mobile phones as a communication tool has grown very rapidly in Indonesia. One of the things that support the existence of tariffs is an increasing toll prices cheaper than the previous period. For additional information other than government policy, one of the factors that cause prices to fall pulse especially when compared to -90 of the era is that there is a war tariff or price competition among the operators themselves.
But do we know if we do not use the facilities of communication with the right technology, it can lead to things that are unwanted and harmful, especially in terms of health. As an example with the facility information using the Internet media, so if misused can cause negative effects or bad things both individually and socially.
Price low pulse rate is basically very beneficial for consumers as we are, but there is also a bad impact! Do not know if we use a mobile phone for too long then the radiation hazards that can endanger our health posed! Although no final research about mobile phone radiation hazard if used too much would be bad for health (in addition to the impact of a dry bag he4!), But at least we had better use the phone as one means of communication, with the right to avoid the dangers of mobile phone radiation which we use. Here are some simple tips which are very helpful so that we can reduce

The impact of cell phone radiation dangers to our bodies:

  1. If possible we recommend using additional equipment such as a headset when talking on the phone. Because even with a headset is not 100 percent eliminate the radiation, but at least reduce the radiation itself! Or if possible should use the loudspeaker facility. Then if we choose to use the headset then try to mobile phone distant from our bodies.
  2. If it is not possible to use the loudspeaker or tool support facilities such as a headset, then it should reduce the talking on the phone and instead listen more. For additional information, we use the mobile phone will emit radiation mostly when we are using for SMS or when we talk, but will not emit enough radiation to listen to our opponents if we talk only when used for phone.
  3. As much as possible if still can SMS, you should not mobile phone. Because in addition to save more pulses, the energy required for SMS smaller if we use for the phone. Hmm ... the more energy used, the greater the emitted radiation will be vice versa! So get it all mean?
  4. Sometimes we go to a poor signal area, and usually when we used to call hp then the signal will be weak (end-connect). This logic, if the signal is weak then the phone will emit radiation more strongly for these weak signals, other than that this state will also cause rapid battery is empty. Now, therefore, should avoid using mobile phones if the signal is weak.
  5. Avoid the use of mobile phones from children, because children's brains can absorb the radiation hazard mobile phone faster and more than in adults.

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Dr.Setiawan Dalimarta