Benefits of milk had no doubt. Almost all the nutrients contained in milk is good quality. Protein and milk fat has a high ketecernaan properties. Vitamins and minerals, milk is relatively complete.
Milk can be consumed in various forms. There's nothing fresh or processed form, such as powdered milk or condensed milk. Humans are also consuming milk from milk-containing food products, such as cheese, ice cream, and yogurt.
However, there are still differences of opinion about the consumption of this milk. No group has claimed that the consumption of milk every day is not good for health, especially vascular diseases such as narrowing of blood vessels. The argument is, milk increase blood cholesterol levels become a risk factor for heart disease.Secondly, there is a positive relationship between average milk production per capita with deaths from heart disease in some countries.
Other groups supporting the role of milk at a reduced risk of various degenerative diseases, like heart disease, hypertension, and cancer. Recent studies in Norway to support it.
Hjartäker with colleagues from the Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromso, Norway, through its publication in the International Journal of Cancer, showed that the diet of three or more glasses of milk each day may reduce breast cancer risk in women pramenopause.
Through the study cohort the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study, they examined 48 844 women for six years and two months. Milk consumption was measured with a history of food consumption submitting to the respondents. During this period, the team found 317 cases Hjartäker breast cancer patients.
It turned out that the consumption of milk since childhood negatively associated with the incidence of breast cancer when they were aged 34-39 years (pramenopause).That means that the consumption of milk since childhood can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.
Milk consumption in adulthood also reduces the risk of breast cancer after corrected by hormonal factors, body mass index, physical activity, and alcohol consumption.Women who do not consume milk run the risk of breast cancer two times greater than women who consumed three glasses of milk or more of milk every day.
Jumat, 03 September 2010
Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Having a healthy body and body is a lifelong dream of everyone. However, situations and environmental conditions around us as well as the variation of a person's body power against disease makes it difficult to achieve that dream. All people must have been sick, but the risk of illness can be minimized or reduced the risk by considering the following matters:
1. Eating a nutritious food regularly, and not excessive or no less. Excess food will affect the spread of various types of diseases which can improve blood sugar levels that eventually lead to diabetes which is very dangerous. Lack of food can also cause malnutrition, low blood, weakness, and so forth. Notice also the nutrient content based on a reasonable dose, because too much of a substance is not good for health.
2. Rest / Sleep Time it takes normal people to sleep less than eight hours a day or third day. Sleep time will increase with age, where the infants, small children and the elderly need more sleep than adults and young children. Enough sleep can increase endurance and energy in the body, so it can prevent ourselves from many diseases that attack harmful, take the time to take a break while you are busy with work because it is very important for the health of your body.
3. Psychology Do not be too stressful conditions due to many things in life you always happy and unhappy about something if it is something bothering your mind, Think that every problem there is a way solution. Psychic burden and the mind can affect the immune system whose effects can invite diseases physical and spiritual. Spend your time for something fun for yourself and do not ever run to the liquor and drugs. Why should hard, we better have fun. If your work makes you stressed and dizziness , then you should start looking for another job or business opportunities that do not make you a lot of stress. If you have a problem it is better you talk about with other people close to you. Any problems
there must be the best solution.
4. Financial income sufficient for daily needs and saving for the future of kosher will make your life quietly and unseen. Prepare for your future choices begin early and begin to learn to apply economic principles that exist, If you are still struggling with basic needs of the Change your mindset. Working together with the wife, husband or your friends to pioneering a business that has good opportunities and prospects, who knows could be successful and make you free from financial problems. Do not live lavishly, and start your life simple although a large income. Effort, creativity and optimism is an important key in trying to achieve success.
5. Increase your endurance by consuming a variety of natural foods or beverages that can fend off germs and disease. Familiarize yourself with the ingredients
traditional or frequent drinking of strong tea every day can increase the bitter anti-oxidant substances in the body to eliminate free radicals from substances that harm the environment, our health so that you and your family stay fit and energetic
Any attempt to make our lives healthier is always very important, in addition to good health also expressed gratitude to the Lord that has members all the blessings given. Hopefully with the few health tips above you all will always be healthy both physically and spiritually.

Health is important, therefore we must maintain and pay attention to health.
Always healthy living is the key to success.
What is DRUGS?
According to WHO (1982)
All solid, liquid or gas that can be inserted into the body
alter the function and structure of physical and psychic body excluding
food, water and oxygen which is needed to maintain function normal body
Various types of drugs
1. Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plants or synthetic
or semi-synthetic that can be lowered consciousness, loss of taste,
reduce to eliminate pain and can cause dependence
2. Psychotropic substances or drugs are not natural or synthetic narcotic
efficacious psychoactive through selective effect on the central nervous system
which causes typical changes in mental activity and behavior
3. Materials other addictive substances is not a narcotic or psychotropic substances which
its use can cause psychological dependence or both physical. Example: Alcohol, cigarettes.
For Adolescent Drug
Abuse of narcotics and illicit drugs among the younger generation today is the growing prevalence of behavioral deviation of the young generation, can endanger the survival of this nation in the future. Because the youth as a generation that is expected to be the successor of the nation, is increasingly fragile encroached addictive substances neural destroyers. So that youth can not be thinking clearly. Consequently, the generation of a strong nation of hope and intelligent only a memory. The objectives of the spread of these drugs are young people or teenagers. If it is averaged, the age This drug target is the age of students, which ranges from age 11 to 24 years. This indicates that the dangers of drugs at any time can be anytime after our children.
Is an abbreviation of narcotic drugs and illicit drugs.
While NAFZA an abbreviation of narcotics, alcohol and other addictive substances (drugs, causing a person has a dangerous dependence on these medications). The second term is often used for the same term, although the term NAFZA broader scope. Drug dependence can be interpreted as a situation that encourages a person to consume drugs repeatedly or continuously.
The dangers for students
In developed countries, drug addicts becoming increasingly rapid development. The drug addicts were generally aged between 11 to 24 years. This means that age is the age or ages of students.
At first, students who are taking drugs usually begins with
introduction with a cigarette.
Because of this smoking habit seems to have become a natural thing among students today. Especially when those students are merged into the environment of people who have become drug addicts. At first try, and then experienced an addiction.
The negative impact drug abuse against children or adolescents:
- Changes in attitude, temperament and personality,
- Frequent truancy, decrease in discipline and values lessons,
- Become irritable and quick-tempered,
- Frequent yawning, sleepy, and lazy,
- No health care themselves,
- Like stealing to buy drugs.
- The dangers for students

History of drug
Less is more th. 2000 BC in Samaria opion flower known or later known opium (opium = papavor somniferitum). This flower thrives in highland areas above 500 meters altitude above sea level. Subsequent dissemination is in the direction of India, China and other Asian territories.
China then became a very fertile place in the spread of opium this (possible because of the climate and the state of the country). Entering into the XVII century was for the Chinese opium problem has become a national problem, even in the nineteenth century opium war where the British finally conquered China should give up Hong Kong.
In 1806 a doctor from the Westphalian named Friedrich Wilhelim sertuner find modifications opium mixed ammonia which was then known as the Morphin (taken from the name of the Greek god of dreams named Morphius).
Year 1856 when civil war broke out in A.S. Morphin is a very popular painkiller used for wounded prisoners of war settled some of the "addiction" referred to as the "soldiers disease"
In 1874 a chemist named Alder Wright from London, boil the liquid Morphin with anhydrous acid (acid that exist in a kind of mushroom) takes effect when the mixture was tested to the dog that is: the dog lay down, terrified, sleepiness and vomiting. But the year 1898 manufacturer "Bayer" Heroin you by producing the drug, as an official drug pain (pain killer).
60s - 70s spreading centers in the region of the world's opium "Golden Triangle" of Myanmar, Thailand & Laos. With production: 700 thousand tons every year. Also on the "Golden Crescent" of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan from the Golden Crescent to Africa and America.
In addition there is more heroin Morphin & other types of cocaine (Ery throxylor coca) comes from the coca plant that grows in Peru and Bolavia. Usually used to cure asthma and tuberculosis.
In the late '70s when the level is increasing pressure of human life and technology support will be given a special mixture of mixed-order opium may also be in the form of medicines.
Most drugs in the community in the wrong use by some people, because the drug problem now in the public eye has been considered disturbing to teenagers and particularly in older people. Therefore, drug abuse can be harmful to families, communities, and the future of the nation.
Danger drug abuse
Generally, all kinds of drugs if misused will provide four effects as follows:
1. Addictive
Users will feel addicted so that it will perform a variety of ways to keep
could eat them. If users can not get it, his body will be there in critical condition (withdrawal).
2. Depressant
Users will be asleep or unconscious.
3. Hallucinogens
Users will hallucinate (see things that are not there).
4. Stimulant
Accelerate the work of organs like the heart and brain so that users feel more energetic for a while. Because the body's organs continue to forced work outside normal limits, after a long time will damage the nerves and can cause death.


Indeed we do not deny that the role mobile phone our daily lives is very important at all but you must remember the impact that must be accepted that the causes of excessive radiation. Current mobile phone usage seems to have expanded along with the needs mobile phone as a means of rapid communication. Currently it is not just adults who use mobile phones, children are increasingly many are using these communication tools. Parents should think twice before they meet the demands of their children who are still sitting in primary school has a mobile phone. For according to a study, using cell phones since the early to have long-term risk to their health. Electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones may damage DNA and lead to brain tumors. Parents should not give mobile phones to children aged 8 years or under it as a preventative measure radiation interference from these devices. Throughout the world there are currently 570 million mobile-phone users and in the longer term of five years the numbers will continue to rise until it reaches 2.4 billion.
Many who knew about the dangers of mobile phone signal. More danger anymore because we often use them. Various tips we already know with such use mobile phones on the left ear than the right, and others.
Putting mobile phone Fatal Habit
There have been a woman miscarried in a row when the age of 3-5 month-old fetus. The husband and wife's subsequent pregnancy was checked and found that the fetus has sustained damage to fetal cell death. Doctors say that this woman's womb has been infected by the radiation mobile phone thus making the fetus can not survive in it long to live and thrive.
Her womb was dead so it is not possible for him to have a fetus is alive again. This woman apparently has a habit of storing his work jacket mobile phone in the proper position near the uterus for a few years.
Never again, we underestimate the risks from radiation mobile phone because consequences can be fatal to our organs. Mobile phone put away from you as much as possible when you're not wearing them.
Mobile phone not too often put near the kidneys, heart, and in the bag your pants because this can damage the kidneys, heart, and your reproductive system!
Do not put the phone close to you when sleeping. Keep also other electronic goods (radio, television, laptops) from where you sleep because of radiation from electronic goods can be dangerous to your health in the long term. Existing radiation interfere with hormone production by our bodies when we sleep.
Hyperactive children are at risk Childbirth
Women who use during pregnancy has a tendency mobile phone would bear children with behavioral problems, according to a study of more than 13,000 children.
Pregnant women who wore mobile phone that although only two or three times a day, enough to cause their infants exposed to the risk of disease can be hyperactive and have difficulty in understanding / learning process, emotion and socialization of children at school.
The above results even more at risk again when the children themselves also use mobile phone before age 7 years or more.
Mobile phone damage the brain cells of children
Mobile phone Keep out of reach of children because their young brains are very sensitive to radiation mobile phone if exposed long enough. Moreover far more sensitive babies even a few could not help it for what it the good we are always aware of the problem.
Officials had warned that because of the side effects of radio frequency radiation, children under the age of eight years should use a cellular phone only in emergencies, and teenagers should limit calls to less than 10 minutes.
Toronto public health department has advised teenagers and young children to limit their cellular telephone use, in order to avoid potential health risks. This is the first policy in Canada.
Over the years, most government health officials are less concerned against all risks. But with some research, a pattern began to appear that people who use their mobile phones for a long period of time are at greater risk of the possibility of certain brain tumors.
There are a few tips you need to consider to reduce or avoid the dangers of electromagnetic radiation:
- Do not wear mobile phone when pregnant and do not let your child wear them.
- Limit the use of mobile phone long you or your use of other wireless phone.
- Use a headset with a cord to reduce the effects of radiation due to distance mobile phone. Mobile phone from your head.
- Cut yourself exposed to direct exposure from the transmission area Hotspot Area. Find out where the location of Hotspot Area and try to stay away from him.
- If you have a phone cord, do not use that exceed 900 MHz . waves radiate radio waves high 24 / 7.
- Use the speakerphone instead of directly into your ear close mobile phone. This helps to avoid direct radiation effects between brain with mobile phone.
- Limit the use mobile phone inside the building because mobile phone will emit more waves in the building than outside.
- Use mobile phone at the bar either transmission or reception of signals. When transmitting bad, your HP will work harder to capture clear transmission.
- Be cautious about putting your mobile phone, because he was near the radiating effect of radiation.
One of the technologies that we ought to look is in using the benefits of mobile phones or mobile telecommunications as one of the most -current trends. A reality if we get information that the use of mobile phones as a communication tool has grown very rapidly in Indonesia. One of the things that support the existence of tariffs is an increasing toll prices cheaper than the previous period. For additional information other than government policy, one of the factors that cause prices to fall pulse especially when compared to -90 of the era is that there is a war tariff or price competition among the operators themselves.
But do we know if we do not use the facilities of communication with the right technology, it can lead to things that are unwanted and harmful, especially in terms of health. As an example with the facility information using the Internet media, so if misused can cause negative effects or bad things both individually and socially.
Price low pulse rate is basically very beneficial for consumers as we are, but there is also a bad impact! Do not know if we use a mobile phone for too long then the radiation hazards that can endanger our health posed! Although no final research about mobile phone radiation hazard if used too much would be bad for health (in addition to the impact of a dry bag he4!), But at least we had better use the phone as one means of communication, with the right to avoid the dangers of mobile phone radiation which we use. Here are some simple tips which are very helpful so that we can reduce
The impact of cell phone radiation dangers to our bodies:
- If possible we recommend using additional equipment such as a headset when talking on the phone. Because even with a headset is not 100 percent eliminate the radiation, but at least reduce the radiation itself! Or if possible should use the loudspeaker facility. Then if we choose to use the headset then try to mobile phone distant from our bodies.
- If it is not possible to use the loudspeaker or tool support facilities such as a headset, then it should reduce the talking on the phone and instead listen more. For additional information, we use the mobile phone will emit radiation mostly when we are using for SMS or when we talk, but will not emit enough radiation to listen to our opponents if we talk only when used for phone.
- As much as possible if still can SMS, you should not mobile phone. Because in addition to save more pulses, the energy required for SMS smaller if we use for the phone. Hmm ... the more energy used, the greater the emitted radiation will be vice versa! So get it all mean?
- Sometimes we go to a poor signal area, and usually when we used to call hp then the signal will be weak (end-connect). This logic, if the signal is weak then the phone will emit radiation more strongly for these weak signals, other than that this state will also cause rapid battery is empty. Now, therefore, should avoid using mobile phones if the signal is weak.
- Avoid the use of mobile phones from children, because children's brains can absorb the radiation hazard mobile phone faster and more than in adults.

Cigarette History And Gynecology
People in the world for the first time that smoking is a Native American tribe, for purposes such as ritual worship gods or spirits. In the 16th century, when Europeans discovered the American continent, a part of it join the European explorers ventured smoke cigarettes and then brought tobacco to Europe. Then the habit of smoking began appearing in European royalty. But unlike the Indians who smoked for ritual purposes, in Europe people smoking just for the pleasure solely.
17th century Spanish traders went to Turkey and then started smoking habits into Islamic states.
Cigarettes contain approximately 4000 elements, including arsenic, acetone, butane, carbon monoxide, and cyanide, and at least 200 of them declared a health hazard. Cigarette smoke inhaled by smokers and passive smokers contains 43 substances which are known to cause cancer. The new cigarette smoke in the ashtray to die three times as much material containing cancer triggers in the air and 50 times contain eyes and breathing. The shorter the higher the toxicity of cigarettes are ready to float into the air.
The main toxins in cigarettes are nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide.
1.Nicotine, is the addictive substance that affects the nerves and blood circulation. This substance is carcinogenic, and can trigger lung cancer is deadly.
Nicotine is highly addictive substances, even five to 10 times more powerful psychoactive effects in humans than cocaine and morphine which is clearly prohibited its circulation.
Discontinuing the use of nicotine on may produce many unpleasant symptoms, including nicotine craving, irritability, anxiety, poor concentration, lethargy, not excited, restlessness, headache, drowsiness, and stomach upsets.
Nicotine can cause the opposite effect, depending on dose. At low doses, nicotine stimulates the mind and increase heart rate and blood pressure. At the higher the doses, nicotine will soothe and reduce heart rate. Smokers often unwittingly adjust how loud and how often they smoked, to have low or high doses.
Nicotine stimulates the brain receptors to release a similar chemical called dopamine. Substance is what gives the sensation of pleasure and calm. However, this nicotine effect lasted only briefly. Therefore, there is the urge to smoke again.
2.Tar is a hydrocarbon substance which is sticky and stuck to the lungs.
3.Carbon monoxide is a substance that binds hemoglobin in the blood, making blood is not able to bind oxygen.
Smoking Dangers
Lung Cancer
Tobacco smoke contains many cancer-causing chemicals. Inhaled smoke contains many chemicals that can damage the lungs. These substances can trigger the occurrence of cancer, especially in the lungs. Lung cancer is the most common cancer caused by smoking. The spread of lung cancer occurs in the body quietly until a higher stage. In many cases, lung cancer kills quickly.
substances (triggers cancer) contained in cigarettes are:
- Vinyl Chloride
- Venzo (a) Pyrenes
- Nitroso-Nor-Nicotine
Death is generally not due to difficulty breathing caused by enlargement of cancer, but because the position of the lungs in the circulatory system makes easy to spread cancer throughout the body. The spread of metastases to the brain and other critical part is what caused the death.
90% of patients with lung cancer die within three years after diagnosis.
In addition to lung cancer, smoking can also trigger mouth cancer, colon cancer, kidney cancer, cervical cancer, blood cancer, throat cancer, pancreatic cancer and bladder cancer.
Heart Disease and Stroke
Nicotine contained in a cigarette could make heart beating faster and increase the body's need for oxygen . Cigarette smoke also contains carbon monoxide poisoning. This toxic substance walked to actually block the flow of blood and oxygen flow to the heart and other vital organs. Nicotine can narrow the blood vessels so more oxygen flow slows again.
Nicotine also will form a resistance to insulin, causing pre-diabetes condition, (when an increase in blood sugar levels but have not yet reached the stage of diabetes). Conditions that would increase the risk of Cardiovascular. That's why smokers have a risk of heart disease is very high. Tobacco is one of the main causes of heart attacks. A smoker's death from heart disease more than the deaths from lung cancer.
Heavy smokers who had smoked for years will have emphysema. Emphysema is a disease that will gradually make the lungs lose elasticity.
If the lungs lose, it will be difficult to remove the dirty air. The signs are beginning to experience difficulty breathing in the morning and evening. So easily out of breath. Other signs are often experiencing severe flu, accompanied by a heavy cough, and possibly with chronic bronchitis. Cough often does not stop and become chronic.
Atherosclerosis is a problem in human blood circulation system caused by the accumulation of saturated fat or cholesterol in the blood vessels. Atherosclerosis occurs because of accumulation in the arteries, the fatty substances, abnormal smooth muscle, as well as piles of cholesterol. As a result of this accumulation, there was narrowing of blood vessels, and even a blockages can occur.
In addition to factors of heredity, high blood pressure and cholesterol intake, smoking also increases the risk of blood vessel blockage.
Please note that smoking reduces the blood flow needed to achieve a state of erection. Because That matter, cigarettes can affect the ability of penile erection.
Harmful to Fetus
Pregnancy is a critical period for the fetus was conceived. Supply of nutrients the fetus receives only from the mother's body through the placenta. During the time of pregnancy, there is a critical period varying with different effects. Cigarette toxins absorbed by the mother (both as smokers and passive smokers) increases the risk of the fetus:
- Low birth weight
- Difficulty breathing at birth
- Sick in the first days after birth
- Died suddenly in the first days after birth
- Born Premature
- Low weight
- Stunted growth
- Complications during growth
Function of red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body. In smokers, the oxygen molecules is replaced by components of cigarette smoke, thus inhibiting oxygen transport that are important to cell life.
Fragile Bones
Numerous studies have found an association between smoking and osteoporosis in men and women. The smokers have lower bone density than non-smokers. A case study observing hip fractures in elderly women, and concluded that one out of eight cases of bone fractures caused by bone loss caused by smoking.
Old Faster
Smoking can reduce the flow of oxygen and nutrients needed by the road skin cells constrict blood vessels around the face, so that will cause wrinkles.
Premature aging process has increased in accordance with the habits and the number of cigarettes smoked. Heavy smokers have wrinkles on the skin is almost five times higher than non-smokers.
Teeth become damaged and lasting
Particles from cigarette smoke can give a yellow to brown spots on teeth , and this will also trap odor-producing bacteria in the mouth . Not just the mouth, even the whole body will stink of smoke. So that will cause resentment on the other person or to the general public. Abnormalities of the gums and teeth are also more common in smokers.
sexual intercourse in high frequency compared with nonsmokers.
Healing Wounds
More old wounds heal in smokers compared with nonsmokers.
Some scientists consider cigarettes contain substances that can cause an increase in mood.
These substances are usually implies reduced when a person suffers from depression. That is also the reason why people under stress or depression tend to seek 'refuge' to cigarettes.
Bad role models
will be a bad role model for children. TS sure, no smokers who want their children to become smokers as well, unfortunately, children who are used to seeing her parents smoke are more susceptible to smoking. How to prohibit smoking if the parent-child his own smoker?
Impact For Passive Smokers
Various poisons contained in cigarettes can cause the same ill effects on passive smokers (people who do not smoke but smokers smoke inhalation). Child, family, close friends, and anyone who is exposed to smoke have health risks due to smoking.
Impact For Pets
Cigarette smoke can also cause pets exposed to the risk of cancer and respiratory problems.
Like humans, pets that include second-hand smoke will also be exposed to risks such as human.
Stupid impressed
If smokers defend their dependence, there is one truth that they could not deny: all also know that smoking is a killer, so, if there is still a continuing habit of it, it would look stupid.
If careless, when smoking and throwing cigarette butts are still burning to any place can cause a fire.
Environmental Pollution
In addition to nicotine, in cigarette smoke also contains monoxide gas. This poison is very dangerous when inhaled others. Quitting smoking means to reduce environmental pollution and care of future generations.
Poor Sperm Quality
Smokers are less well-producing sperm. In addition, smokers are also unable

Stop Smoking Tips
Tips when you want to quit smoking include:
- Plan a date as D-day stop smoking. Prior to that date, get rid of ashtrays, lighters, and things that can trigger back smoking. Only after arriving at that date, stop smoking altogether. Announce to anyone that will quit smoking on that date. The more you listen the better. Even more good if many who doubt the intentions
- Jump stops. Stop smoking by reducing the number of cigarettes or tobacco substitute with a lower level of nicotine less effective. To follow it the need for addictive substances, smokers tend to smoke more to suck harder, deeper, and longer.
- Nicotine smokers need to feel at work, so when low nicotine cigarettes they smoked, they smoked more powerful and more often to get the same dose. Unfortunately, when a lit cigarette in a more powerful, also suck more carbon monoxide. This forces the body to form more hemoglobin , which will make the blood more viscous, which increases the risk of stroke.
- Drink lots of water. This will help flush the nicotine and other chemicals from the body, plus it can help reduce addiction by fulfilling the "oral desires" that might have .
- Perform analysis on smoking habits that has been done so far.
- The results of this analysis will assist in braking the desire to smoke.
- Drinking orange juice. The most difficult part of the stop is when you have to cope with the reactions due to the loss of nicotine intake, and this can last for one or two weeks. But will be easier to overcome such reactions irritability, anxiety, confusion, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty sleeping due to cessation of nicotine intake that much faster if lot of orange juice to drink during that time. That's because orange juice makes the urine more acidic, so more quickly expel nicotine from the body. In addition orange flavor in the mouth can make feel that cigarettes are not bad.
- To balance the body's metabolism changes after not smoke, sports.
- Reduce sleep late at night to avoid smoking because of drowsiness, against the chill, and boredom emerges.
- Clean teeth and feel the sensation a new, more healthy for the mouth .
- Brushing your teeth will change the taste in the mouth and create the desire to smoke is reduced.
- Changing daily habits. Habits like smoking after eating, and drinking coffee try the change. Make a new habit. Like a walk after eating, and learn to enjoy coffee without a cigarette.
- Vigilant in the early days. The early days will be very heavy. Try to distract create hands and mouth stay busy for example by chewing sugar free gum.
- Resist the temptation to smoke, although only one suction alone. One suction would be easy to follow with a suction-suction, and efforts will be futile.
- Convince yourself that quitting smoking was not in vain. Think of a better quality of life if it is free from cigarette smoke and die quickly if you continue smoking.
- Ask for support from friends and family, or from associations which both want to quit smoking.
- While away from the bars and cafes. The biggest temptation to smoke again is when go to bars or cafes.
- As much as possible trying to avoid being among those who smoke or environmental non-smoking.
- When someone offers a cigarette is properly rejected. Feeling compassion on those who smoke. Do not listen to those who consider them lower than if no follow-up smoking. Because in their hearts and minds of their right mind wants to stop smoking.
- Use the money meant for buying cigarettes use it to buy myself a present to myself to appreciate the effort to quit smoking.
- After stopping, never smoke again, not even a single suction alone. Nicotine is so powerful that one suction alone will make the addiction again. There is no safe limit to be smoking again after quitting, do not even have for years been able to escape the smoke. One suction only, means have included nicotine, a substance toxic and highly addictive, into the body .
- Contact person who supports want to stop smoking when smoking.
- Create a list of all the reasons and benefits of quitting smoking.When felt like smoking, see the list of reasons to quit smoking who write.
- Lastly believe in yourself. Believe that can stop. Think about some of the most difficult things that have to do in life and to realize that having the courage and determination to quit smoking.

Is a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease can be transmitted through saliva when people cough spray. . These bacteria are bacillus bacteria which is very strong so it takes a long time to treat it. These bacteria often infect the lungs organs other than the part
- Cough with phlegm for more than three weeks.
- Sweating at night.
- Patients with decreased appetite resulting in the body becomes thinner and less power.
- It can also be accompanied by a cough that bleed.
- Patients will also experience a fever, especially in the afternoon or evening.
If there is one from neighbors or family members who experience these symptoms, you should suggest to consult a doctor to know whether the cough is TB disease or not. Because sometimes a cough illness is often considered trivial, but this disease can kill someone if not immediately addressed and can be transmitted to others.
Treatment :
This disease also is actually the one who has conquered the disease, but later returned to attack. One is due to tuberculosis are not spending their drugs. Drugs must be taken regularly for six to nine months to cure this disease. No medications can cause sufferers to spend can not be cured and no longer able to lead drug fight germs because germs become resistant and more controlled body cells.
Treatment for TB when it is found early is not really too expensive and easy to cure because the existing drugs provided by the government. If needed, patients with TB can also be quarantined in a special place in order not to transmit the disease.
Household Health Survey results M O H in 1992, showed that TB / TB is a disease the second leading cause of death, while in the year 1986 is the fourth leading cause of death. In 1999 the WHO Global Surveillance estimates that in Indonesia there are 583 000 tuberculosis patients / year with 262 000 new TB smear positive or incidence rate is approximately 130 per 100,000 population. Deaths from Tuberculosis / TB is estimated to hit 140,000 residents each year.
The incidence of reported TB increased dramatically in the last decade worldwide. Similarly in Indonesia, Tuberculosis / TB is a health problem, both in terms of mortality rate (mortality), incidence of diseases (morbidity), as well as diagnosis and treatment. With a population of more than 200 million people, Indonesia ranks third after India and China in terms of number of patients among the 22 countries with the largest in the world's TB problem.
Cause :
The existence of temporary constriction of the respiratory tract that can cause sufferers to feel shortness of breath. Refinement occurs because the vessels of the throat. Heredity plays an important role in this disease. Asthma Disease (Asthma) is a chronic disease (chronic) that attacks the respiratory tract , where there is inflammation in the lung (inflammatory) cavity wall causing narrowing of the airways that eventually someone experiencing shortness of breath.
Allergies to things like dust, changes in temperature, humidity, excessive exercise or emotional stress can cause allergies so that the membranes lining the vessels will swell and excessive mucus so that the vessels become narrower, and the patient had difficulty breathing. Despite the shortness of breath attacks can go away, but heavy attacks if not treated can cause death because the patient can not breathe.
Shortness of breath accompanied by wheezing sound (wheezing)
Prevention and solution:
Avoid things that can cause allergies in people that resulted in an asthma attack. For example, by cleaning the dust on the mattresses, pillows or blankets. Avoid extreme temperature and humidity.
To cope with asthma attacks is to use a salve medicine (bronchodilator) inhaled manner. Another way is to do therapy that will teach how to relax and catch my breath in case of an asthma attack. When asthma is severe, can use drugs lozenges daily until asthma attacks can be controlled. So, it is advisable for sufferers to carry drugs into any salve he went to immediate use in case of attack.
Asthma Disease (Asthma) has yet to be treated completely, this means that an asthma attack can occur in the future. Handling and delivery of medicines to patients with asthma attacks is as action arising which adjusted for the severity of signs and symptoms themselves. The basic principle of handling an asthma attack is by providing good drug injection (hydrocortisone), syrup,) or nebulizer to help loosen respiratory tract.
In mild cases where the perceived existence of the complaints that lead to symptoms of asthma attacks or to prevent further attacks, the medical team or doctor will give medicine . For patients with asthma, it is suggested to them to provide / store inhaled medications wherever they are which can help loosen respiratory attacks.
How to Avoid Asthma Attacks :
Appropriate steps can be done to avoid an asthma attack is away from the underlying factors that lead to asthma attacks itself. Each patient generally has its own characteristics to things that trigger asthma attacks.
After the occurrence of asthma attacks, when patients feel they can breathe but are advised to continue with appropriate treatment and dosage of medication given by doctors for safe and without risk.
Due to loss of elasticity of the alveoli. Alveolus itself is the bubbles contained in the lungs. In patients with emphysema, lung volume is greater than a healthy person because the carbon dioxide should be expelled from the lungs trapped inside. Cigarette smoke and the enzyme deficiency of alpha 1 is the cause of loss of lung elasticity in this.
- Reduced appetite and weight declined.
- Shortness of breath attacks for a long time.
Avoiding cigarette smoke is the best step to prevent this disease.
Pneumonia is an infection that occurs in lung tissue (parenchymal) caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Generally caused by streptococcal bacteria (Streptococcus) and Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria.
- Experienced cough with phlegm phlegm is thick and yellow.
- Chest pain.
- Shortness of breath is also accompanied by high fever.
Always maintain cleanliness and keeping your body strong resistance can prevent the bacteria can not penetrate the body's health defense.
Get used to washing hands, eating nutritious foods or exercise regularly.
If already suffering from pneumonia, is usually cured by taking antibiotics.
Doctors generally will provide recommendations in accordance with the severity of pneumonia, the person concerned. For severe cases, hospitalization is an obligation. If the cause is bacterial, then you will be strongly encouraged to diet of antibiotics.
Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

Eyes are the most important thing in life, the senses on this one vulnerable to disease therefore it would be nice if we always take care and keep it there.
In a world of plural health we hear the term 'prevention is better than cure'. Likewise, the eye health problems. It would be better if we realized early on will be the risk factors that endanger the health of the eye so that we avoid as much as possible.
These risk factors can be derived from the work we do every day and habit a bad habit that we often do at home. The following risk factors that endanger the health of the eye in everyday life are:
- A flash light is too bright.
- ultraviolet radiation from electrical-related work.
- branch tree branch.
- Dust and dirt.
- particles are small particles of metal cutting activities, chainsaw, quarrying and other activities.
- Flakes fiber of fiberglass.
If for any job you can not avoid the risk factors, you should use protective eyewear that meets the standard. Some things to consider when choosing the glass eye protection is:
- Not easily scratched and has a good quality.
- Following the international safety standards for protective eyewear.
- Have good ventilation.
- It is obvious to the object or something.
- Do not disturb eye vision.
- It can protect your eyes from harmful radiation.
- Not disturb the comfortable working environment.
- Lightweight and according to the size of your eye.
In addition to mechanical protection, do not forget to protect the eyes from the body by eating foods that contain vitamins, anti oxidants and minerals are sufficient. Avoid bad foods that are not good for general health.
To prevent transmission of infectious eye disease, you can perform the following steps:
- Get used to wash hands before or after performing certain activities.
- Avoid changeful eye drops.
- Do not touch the tip of eye drops by hand.
- Do not wet your contact lens with his mouth or saliva.
Organs like the eyes of this vision is a worldwide need for human beings, so until now people are competing to find the best solution for treating the eye.
Here is a description of the organs of the eye of whom:
spherical hollow inside is filled with fluid (liquid). The outer layer or tunic (sclera, or white, and cornea) is fibrous and protective. Middle tunic layer (choroid, ciliated body and iris) is vascular. Innermost layer (the retina) is nervous or sensory. Fluid in the eye divided by the lens into the vitreous humor (behind the lens) and the humor of water (in front of the lens). The lens itself is flexible and suspended by ligaments which allow to change shape to focus light onto the retina, consisting of sensory neurons.
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Dr.Setiawan Dalimarta